GlycanHub Podcast

Should You Stop Eating Red Meat? Glycans, Inflammation, and Cancer with Prof. Vered Padler-Karavani


Could your steak dinner be tricking your immune system? In this episode we shed light on the connection between specific foods and colorectal cancer. Explore xeno-autoantigens, grasp the nuances of immunotherapy, and question the reliability of animal-derived heart valves. Vered Padler-Karavani is the principal investigator in the Department of Cell Research and Immunology at Tel Aviv University. Her research combines glycobiology, immunology, bio-nanotechnology, cancer research and xenotransplantation. Tune in to uncover the hidden connections between glycans, our diet, and the potential health repercussions.

We discuss: 

  • Why study Glycobiology [01:35]
  • Xeno-autoantigens & Xenosialitis [03:16]
  • Where Does Neu5Gc Accumulate? [06:33]
  • Red Meat & Colorectal Cancer [10:28]
  • Tumor-associated Carbohydrate Antigens [11:54]
  • Immunotherapy: Potential & Limitations [13:22]
  • Animal-derived Heart Valves: Safety & Efficacy [20:02]
  • Navigating Safety Regulations for Biologic Therapies [31:27] 
  • Neu5Gc in Foods: The Gcemic Index [34:14]
  • Does Prof. Vered Padler-Karavani Still Eat Red Meat? [37:23]
  • Neu5Gc as Biomarkers [38:08]

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