GlycanHub Podcast
Interested in learning more about glycobiology? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to GlycanHub, the first podcast to explore health, disease and longevity through the lens of glycobiology.Glycans have been described as the third alphabet of biology alongside nucleic acid and proteins. Using this alphabet, our cells are able to communicate and interact with each other in health and disease. Meaning that once we truly understand the glycan language, we will gain a better understanding of ourselves.Every episode features an interview with a scientist or expert giving us a glimpse into what glycobiology research has uncovered about the human body to date and the potential applications of these findings in the medicine of tomorrow.Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on new GlycanHub episodes.
Podcasting since 2022 • 17 episodes
GlycanHub Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Role of Glycans in the Medicine of Tomorrow: Insights from 11 Leading Scientists
Is the future of medicine sweetened by the study of glycans? As GlycanHub rounds off its season, we've brought back the insights of 11 eminent scientists spanning from neuroscience to nanotechnology. Each guest delves into their vision of how g...
Season 1
Episode 11

Should You Stop Eating Red Meat? Glycans, Inflammation, and Cancer with Prof. Vered Padler-Karavani
Could your steak dinner be tricking your immune system? In this episode we shed light on the connection between specific foods and colorectal cancer. Explore xeno-autoantigens, grasp the nuances of immunotherapy, and question the reliability of...

Rebranding Menopause: Glycans, Hormones and Inflammation with Dr. Louise Newson
Does menopause hold implications beyond reproductive health? This episode reveals that the shift in hormonal balance affects inflammatory patterns, mediated by complex carbohydrates called glycans. We unravel the overlooked role of perimenopaus...

Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic: Glycans, Biological Age and Inflammation with Prof. Gordan Lauc
In an era defined by COVID-19, understanding the intricacies of our immune response and the profound role our lifestyle choices play in shaping our resilience or vulnerability to future pandemics is of great importance. In this episode, we unra...
Season 1
Episode 8

Glycans and Neurodegenerative Diseases: A New Perspective on Alzheimer's with Prof. Ronald Schnaar
The longer lifespans we enjoy come shadowed by age-related diseases, notably Alzheimer's. This episode shines a light on the often-overlooked glycans, complex carbohydrates that play a pivotal role in healthy brain function. Our understanding o...